Angel Aura Semi Polished Point

Be In Love

  • $550.00
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What is Aura Quartz?

Angel Aura Quartz is the name given to Quartz that undergoes extreme heat, and then coated with a special blend of metals such as Platinum, Gold, and Silver.

Inner joy | Beauty | High Vibration

Angel Aura Quartz is an extremely high vibrational stone. This magic mineral can provide enough energy to fill environments with endless rays of joy, happiness, and uplifting energy.

  • Radiates peace and positivity
  • Uplifting energy, promotes feelings of joy and enthusiasm
  • High Vibration, cleanse and creates a protective shield around the aura
  • Tunes into beauty, recognize all of the beauty around us

Size: 9.3x6.3x4.6cm

Origin: Brazil


什麼是Aura Quartz?

Aura Quartz是天然石英水晶,表面的彩光是天然水晶經過極高溫將鉑,金和銀等貴金屬結合,產生不同的顏色和效應,感覺非常夢幻。

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